14 Year Incident Stats |
| Fire | EMS | Total |
2025 | | | |
2024 | | | |
2023 | | | |
2022 | | | |
2021 | 168 | 706 | 874 |
2020 | 143 | 584 | 727 |
2019 | 179 | 632 | 811 |
2018 | 194 | 620 | 814 |
2017 | 143 | 633 | 776 |
2016 | 190 | 670 | 861 |
2015 | 166 | 601 | 767 |
2014 | 187 | 541 | 728 |
2013 | 135 | 516 | 651 |
2012 | 165 | 461 | 626 |
Total | 1670 | 5964 | 7635 |
Historical Totals |
Fire Calls (1955-2021) | 5550 |
EMS Calls (1958-2021) | 17720 |
Total | 23270 |
Web Counters |
Visitors Today:
194 |
Visitors Since May 15, 2007:
2,814,162 |
Use of Website Material:
Duplication of text, photos or any other content published on this website, is prohibited without permission of the White Horse Fire Company. (Content used from sources outside of the Company are credited to the author and/or photographer if known.) |
Fire Company & Ambulance Operations Officers
(Fire Chief officers are elected every January, and take office in February. Junior officers are appointed after elections and take office by February. EMS Officers are elected in June, and take office in July)
Fire Chief
Merv Fisher
Chief 49
Deputy Fire Chief
Rodney Gossert
Deputy 49
Assistant Fire Chief
Melvin Lantz
Assistant 49
Fire Captain
Todd Steinmetz
Captain 49-1
Fire Captain
Emmanuel King
Captain 49-2
Fire Lieutenant
Mike Fisher
Lieutenant 49-1
Fire Lieutenant
Eli Stoltzfus, Jr.
Lieutenant 49-2
Safety Officer
Raymond Welsh
Safety 49-1
Safety Officer
Sam A. Stoltzfus |
Safety 49-2 |
Todd Steinmetz
Engineer |
Raymond Welsh |
Fire Police Captain
John Sheaffer
Fire Police Captain 49
Fire Police Lieutenant
Doug Skiles |
Fire Police Lieut. 49
EMS Chief
Paul Zook
EMS Chief 49
EMS Captain
Brian Petersheim
EMS Captain 49
EMS Lieutenant
EMS Lieutenant 49
Public Safety Officer |
Samuel S. Ebersol
Training Officers |
Ivan Stoltzfus, Steven Blank, Mike Fisher